Ever struggle to lose weight? Maybe you lost weight on a diet but then put it all back on.
If you said yes, you are not alone. Did you know that over 85 % of people who lose weight on diets, put all of the weight back on within 12 months of losing it that's 85%.
The weight loss industry is dominated by hundreds of miracle cures that promise fast results. “Drink this meal shake, and you will never be hungry again” or “Try this weight loss pill and the pounds will fall off” or “Take only this drink for three days and lose weight.” These dieting schemes are often unhealthy and can be potentially dangerous.
There are 5 secrets about fatloss that the weight loss industry is not telling you which are preventing you from long term fatloss.
Firstly, I want you to know it's okay these secrets really are only just beginning to be found out right now but they are some of the biggest reasons today why mean and women all over the world have been putting on more and more fat. They go on a diet and they put it all back on and then the second time they find it harder and harder to lose it again.
For years people were told to jump on the scales so they can work out their BMI or body mass index. Well BMi has been proven to be wrong because all that measures is your height in your weight.
A scale can only tell how much you weigh; it can’t tell you how much of that weight is muscle, fat, bone or water.
Often, successful dieting and fitness programs are sabotaged because the weight on a scale doesn’t tell you what’s really happening in your body.
Because of this, it’s important to avoid becoming obsessed with scale weight, as it can’t tell you if your body fat percentage has changed, or if you’re looking or feeling better.
Ultimately, if your goal is weight loss, it should actually be fat loss through the improvement of body composition. This focus is a key component to developing a lifestyle strategy that is easy to maintain, leading to long-term success and personal satisfaction.
Most people don’t realise that muscle is more dense than fat. And while muscle is lean, firm and flat, fat is bulky, fluffy and takes up more space per pound.
For example: If you were to compare two men who were both the same age, height and weight, they would be listed as overweight on the BMI chart. However, if one was a bodybuilder at 5% body fat and the other man was a couch potato with about 30% body fat, the two would be vastly different in terms of their body composition.
Scientists at Mannatech have studied and pioneered an approach focused on body composition, an approach that is taking the weight loss industry by storm. Because Mannatech is shifting focus from the obsolete body mass index (BMI) system and unhealthy dieting to a focus on building lean muscle, healthy foods and fat-loss, the weight loss industry is being shaken at its foundations.
“Those trying to achieve weight control are usually offered BMI and scale weight as the end-all measurements,” said Dr. Steve Nugent, Mannatech’s Senior Global Wellness Director and Chairman of the Mannatech Global Scientific Advisory Board.“This is a simplistic approach that is not about health, and because it is not sustainable and can involve the loss of lean muscle, BMI often results in weight quickly returning. We believe that building muscle that helps burn fat is the way to healthy body composition. We believe that success is based not by pounds lost but by inches that are lost, and by how fit you are and how you feel in your clothes.”
We are a research and development company and through our research we have found there's a lot of things that these weight loss companies are no longer talking about and it's this did you know that when you lose weight over half of what you lose is muscle.
Now muscle is directly linked to your metabolism this means that when you lose weight, your metabolism is dropping off so guess what happens when you stop dieting that's right you put it all back on.
You knew there was an issue, you were right, you're putting the weight back on because you've lost all that muscle mass and the next time you diet, you lose even more muscle mass so it gets harder and harder to lose weight.
Have you ever suffered from cravings? you know when you wake up in the middle of the night you just need something sugary or you need something savoury?
Well that's your body screaming out for nutrients. Cravings are directly linked back to not having the right nutrients …many of our clients say that is a big factor for them is that they are not getting the cravings like they used to.
Many women have meal replacements but not all meal replacements are equal so cravings get very even worse
Many meal replacements are loaded with sugar, lab-created synthetic vitamins and many starve the body of micronutrients. if they don't have the nutrients that are required within them that you're going to crave even more food and so what's going to happen you're going to look for the nutrients in food.
Other weight loss products on the market contain ingredients that can have a negative impact on your health, including:
Other weight loss products might have chemicals and drugs much worse than those listed above. Harvard researchers studied 27 brands of weight loss and body building supplements and found that 52 percent of those products contained oxilofrine, a chemical related to ephedrine, which can lead to cardiac arrest. This drug is also potentially dangerous for people who are overweight and may have heart disease or high blood pressure. In addition, athletes who take these types of products can not only worsen their health, but this particular substance is on the World Anti-Doping Agency list of prohibited drugs.
The FDA has recently announced recalls on several weight loss products for containing unsafe ingredients.
Mannatech's Truplenish Nutritional Shake is more than just a meal replacement! It is packed with high quality ingredients to nourish your body.
Did you know that your fat is where you store toxins? Its called visceral fat and it’s the most dangerous kind of fat.
We live in a toxic environment and are exposed to over 2 million chemicals each day – the products we use on our skin, in our hair, nails, homes for cleaning and the environment. Its your body safety mechanism, it needs to protect your major organs from the toxins and so it stores fat and this is generally around the tummy.
So if you have belly fat, it is most likely that your body needs a cleanse.
Mannatech's answer to cleansing is part of the Truhealth System. Trupure is a delicious nutritional cleansing drink mix is formulated with natural ingredients to help support your body’s ability to safely cleanse or diminish toxins that can cause oxidative stress. Unlike many cleanse products, TruPURE Slimsticks are not a laxative or diuretic.
Hormone imbalances are particularly relevant for women and your hormones will affect your fatloss. As women we go through a lot of hormone fluctuations from periods, pregnancy, peri-menopause and menopause and so many women we help have hormone imbalances for various reasons.
Do you struggle with:
If you said yes to 3 or more, you may have a hormonal imbalance and this will definitely affect fatloss.
Mannatech is the world leader in hormone support.
Mannatech PLUS tablets include a unique blend of standardised nutrients, including phytohormones, plant based steroidal saponins, and glyconutrients to help support your hormonal system.
See Mannatech's Hormone Support products here
Maintaining a healthy weight and size isn't just about looking good. The real benefits come from how you feel and improved health!
Here are some alarming statistics:
To support its efforts to change the weight management industry, Mannatech developed its TruHealth Fat-Loss System. This system combines beneficial, whole food dietary recommendations with naturally sourced supplements to help support the body’s natural ability to reduce harmful toxins, support healthy body composition and encourage healthy fat loss.
1000's of people all over the world are getting results with Mannatech's Truhealth Fatloss Products. You can too!
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Naomi Enevoldson - Authorised Mannatech Independent Associate
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