You keep getting told about Ambrotose and the company called Mannatech.
You may have even tried Ambrotose yourself and wondered if it's really as good as they say and is actually doing anything.
You've heard it’s good for cellular communication, your immune system, your gut, your brain...well every function of the human body.
But the big question is, "How can one product be so important and do so much?"
Great question.
First the thing to understand is that Ambrotose is a combination of essential nutrients called Glyconutrients or Glycans required by your cells for a process called "Cellular Communication".
Glyconutrients and Glycans are essential for Cellular Communication.
Cellular Communication in affect is just the way your cells talk to one another to convey messages to the rest of your body on what is going on.
Your cells communicate things like:
When your cells are working correctly they do all these things and more to ensure you are protected and stay well.
Simply put, Glyconutrients or Glycans are specialised nutrients derived from plants that provide targeted nourishment for your cells.
These specialised nutrients are in the form of simple sugars.
Many people make the mistake of thinking glyconutrients are the same as normal table sugar or fruit sugar. Although glyconutrients or glycans are classified as a sugar, their role in the body is quite different.
These simple sugars are required by every cell in your body and every process of your body for a process called cellular communication.
There are eight glyconutrients or glycans, as listed below and only two of these sugars are commonly found in the modern diet. Glucose (the normal sugar everyone knows) and Galactose which can be sourced from dairy products.
There are six sugars which are in Glyconutrition on top of the normal two which you get in your diet which help the body.
The 8 Glyconutrients are:
Glucose | |
Galactose | |
Manose | |
Fucose | |
Xylose | |
N-Acetylneuraminic Acid | |
N-Acetylgalactosamine | |
N-Acetylglucosamine |
Glyconutrients can help nourish your cells, but they do so much more.
They can:
The problem is when your diet is not getting enough of these essential nutrients called "Glyconutrients" it lacks the letters required to create messages your bodies system will understand.
Harpers Biochemistry wrote: “There are 200 monosacharides found in nature but only 8 are found in glycoproteins…. And you are only finding two in the human diet”
This means you are missing 75% of the glyconutrients required for your cells to communicate….Take a moment and think about this. Allow it to sink in.
The nutrients required by every cell in your body for every process of your body are missing 75% of what they need. How can you body possibly work at an optimal level?
Think of it this way, if you were having a conversation with a friend and they were only saying every 4th word, could you make sense of what they’re trying to say? Of course not. This is what is happening in your body with your cells.
Since you are only getting 25% of the glyconutrients your body needs for proper cellular communication in your diet, your cells are not communicating efficiently or in a way that your body can understand. So instead of your body working at an optimal level, it is working suboptimal which is leading you to live a life well below optimal.
It's good to ask these questions and to do your own research, we wish more people would.
Your health is important and more and more people are waking up the fact they need to invest in their health as their number 1 priority.
It’s prudent and right for you to supplement glyconutrients into your diet. This is why Ambrotose is so important to your daily diet.
Think of it this way, if you’re missing something in your diet that your body needs. Can you understand that your body would respond positively when you put it back in?
The way you do this is by adding Ambrotose to your daily actions. When you wake in the morning and you get your breakfast or coffee, grab your ambrotose and take a scoop. Just put it in your juice or swallow straight. Either will work. (I take it in my Empact+ drink and love it)
You want to be as healthy as you can be and live a life that’s full of energy and vigour. That’s what you get when you add Ambrotose to your diet.
Check out this short video below that will give you a great idea on how Ambrotose works for your body.We love that you dropped by.
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ABN# 22 337 891 041